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- The Netherlands
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- , Spokesperson
- , Spokesperson
- Almeida, Paul
- Almeida, Paul
- Andretta, Massimo
- Anduiza, Eva
- Bosi, Lorenzo
- Cisar, Ondrej
- Cristancho, Camilo
- Damen, Marie-Louise
- Della Porta, Donatella
- Eggert, Nina
- Giugni, Marco
- Gomez, Cristina
- Grasso, Maria
- Inclan, Maria
- Ketelaars, Pauline
- Klandermans, Bert
- Milan, Stefania
- Navratil, Jiri
- Olcese, Cristiana
- Peterson, Abby
- Rainsford, Emily
- Reiter, Herbert
- Rodriguez, Mauro
- Rootes, Chris
- Rossi, Federico
- Sabucedo, Jose-Manuel
- Saunders, Clare
- van Leeuwen, Anouk
- van Stekelenburg, Jacquelien
- van Troost, Dunya
- Vrablikova, Katerina
- Wahlström, Mattias
- Walgrave, Stefaan
- Wennerhag, Magnus
- Wouters, Ruud
Marie-Louise Damen
post-doctoral researcher
Metropolitan - room N516
De Boelelaan 1081
+31/20/598/6720 (work)
Marie-Louise Damen is a post-doctoral researcher at the department of Sociology of the VU-University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She studies street demonstrations through the lens of cleavage theory. In the Dutch NWO-funded project “Fighting at the fault lines of society” she investigates the impact of contextual variation on the dynamics of protest by comparing demonstrations in different countries and mobilizing contexts.
Country-team: The Netherlands
- Bert Klandermans; Jacquelien van Stekelenburg; Marie-Louise Damen; Dunya van Troost; Anouk van Leeuwen. Mobilization Without Organization: The Case of Unaffiliated Demonstrators