- Argentina
- Belgium
- Central America
- Chili
- Czech Republic
- Italy
- Mexico
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- The Netherlands
- United Kingdom
- , Spokesperson
- , Spokesperson
- Almeida, Paul
- Almeida, Paul
- Andretta, Massimo
- Anduiza, Eva
- Bosi, Lorenzo
- Cisar, Ondrej
- Cristancho, Camilo
- Damen, Marie-Louise
- Della Porta, Donatella
- Eggert, Nina
- Giugni, Marco
- Gomez, Cristina
- Grasso, Maria
- Inclan, Maria
- Ketelaars, Pauline
- Klandermans, Bert
- Milan, Stefania
- Navratil, Jiri
- Olcese, Cristiana
- Peterson, Abby
- Rainsford, Emily
- Reiter, Herbert
- Rodriguez, Mauro
- Rootes, Chris
- Rossi, Federico
- Sabucedo, Jose-Manuel
- Saunders, Clare
- van Leeuwen, Anouk
- van Stekelenburg, Jacquelien
- van Troost, Dunya
- Vrablikova, Katerina
- Wahlström, Mattias
- Walgrave, Stefaan
- Wennerhag, Magnus
- Wouters, Ruud
Eva Anduiza
Professor of Political Science
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Edifici B, Facultat de Ciencies Polítiques i Sociologia
+34 93 5812429 (work)
+34 93 5812439 (fax)
Eva Anduiza Perea is associate professor of political science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 2003. Her main fields of research are political participation, political attitudes and elections. She is also interested in epistemological and methodological issues in social science research. She is currently principal investigator of the project Political participation and the Internet in Spain (www.polnetuab.net) on how new media are affecting political involvement, participation and mobilization.
Country-team: Spain
- Eva Anduiza, Camilo Cristancho, Jose M. Sabucedo. Mobilization through Online Social Networks: the political protest of the indignados in Spain
- Eva Anduiza, Marta Cantijoch, Aina Gallego. Political Participation and the Internet: Assessing Effects, Causal Mechanisms and Consequences